All About Me
Today is the twenty-second day, which is three weeks and one day, of the Omer. The essence of the day is Chesed of Netzach.
Netzach is called victory, it is the embodiment of perseverance, it is also my name, so this week is all about ME!
I am a task-oriented person, once I start something, I will keep at it until it is completed, I am not deterred by obstacles. Many years ago I had the following exchange at a job interview:
Human Resources Drone: What tricks do you use to do your job?
Me: What?
H.R.D.: You know, what games do you use so that you can finish your work?
Me: I just do it.
H.R.D.: Huh?
Me: I know what I have to do, and when it has to be done, and I work at it until it’s finished.
H.R.D.: But what do you do to motivate yourself, you know, when you don’t want to work?
Me: It’s my job, it has to be done, so I do it.
H.R.D.: Oh, I guess that works for you.
Me: Yes, it does.
While working on something I generally do not wish to be distracted, this can appear as if I am being rude or purposefully ignoring other people. Chesed of Netzach is the aspect of kindness that tempers the pure drive of perseverance, it prevents me from running roughshod over others while I am pursuing my task. It is the aspect of myself that allows me to stop what I am doing and patiently listen while the Little Rebbetzin informs me in great detail why she needs to borrow the car to drive to the moon because it is too far to travel by bicycle.
I am really enjoying this series that has been helping me understand the Omer in a whole new light. Thanks and keep up the great work!
Thanks. I was originally going to post on only some of the sefira but then Jewschool but up a post that I was blogging the whole omer, so then I felt obligated to try and do so.
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