Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Spamming for Moshiach

The following exchange was part of a series of comments from a posting on Dov Bear’s blog:

60 years ago it would have been inconceivable that Moses could have spoken to the entire Jewish people without a miracle. Now it's inconceivable that when the Messiah comes (it should be soon, bimheyra b'yamenu etc etc) (s)he won't send us all the same email at the same time. The way God is, is also the way WE respond to HIM.
SM | 01.18.07 - 6:50 pm

“Now it's inconceivable that when the Messiah comes (it should be soon, bimheyra b'yamenu etc etc) (s)he won't send us all the same email at the same time.”
Dot com or dot org? Or, perhaps even dot edu?
The Back of the Hill |

Lol. I bet he gets his own domain. Doesn't it depend on your affiliation?
Charedim - meschiach@shakenshockle
MO -
Chabad - hamelechhamoshciach@reborn.rebbe
Reform - mistake@turntheclockback.1842
SM | 01.18.07 - 7:08 pm |

Sure it’s funny, but what happens if Moshiach actually does e-mail everyone only to have the message deleted by msn spam blocker? I guess that would be conclusive proof that Bill Gates and Microsoft are, as some suspect, the agents of evil.

photo by Chris Pirazzi

Billgatus of Borg aside, I am of an age that I remember the beginning of manned space flight, and one of the big topics of conversation concerned radio waves and TV signals. We were told these signals just continued traveling out into space forever and if you could travel far enough and fast enough you could catch up with them and listen to programs from 30 years before. So I got to thinking if radio and television signals continued to exist and transmit their messages long after their initial broadcast what about the messages that are out on the web? Do they also have some kind of continued existence out in the ether, perpetually transmitting their messages? Do all the questions, and doubts, fears, and requests, that people write about in their blogs continue beyond the confines of the servers? Does Hashem read blogs?

It was said that we should make our requests to Hashem just as a child does. A child when it wants something, even something that it doesn’t need, will ask over and over again, it won’t take no for an answer, it will cry, and scream, and rage, until it gets what it wants. So should we. We need to make our requests over and over, not giving up. We should continually call out until our requests are fulfilled. We should spam Hashem. And just maybe if every single blogger were to post: “We want Moshiach now”, we could spam Hashem into bring Moshiach, may it be so, in our time, now.


At 3:14 PM, Blogger חנה מיכאל said...



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